Givahoy Is The Best Way To Give
Finally Philanthropy Made Easy
It’s simple. We want to help people be generous and help good causes raise money. Really.
Giving and Fundraising are important and not the same as payments. Givahoy exists to remove friction in the giving process.
Funds, of course,
but also an acquisition channel
to sympathetic donors.
Zero cost donations
and itemised tax receipting.
Giving is not just philanthropic
and it needs to be simple.
More data, and more insights
across a potentially vast base.
Every journey starts with a giver opening the app or web app and finding the cause on our map, and ends with an annual giving statement to make tax time easy as.
Givahoy costs nothing! Setup and fundraising are without charge as we remove barriers to giving. Our value-add is in analytics and insight.
per year
Drop us a line via Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram!
We need you! It’s a bit chicken and egg really. To get more givers, we need some great causes to give to. Let’s get started.